Integration Guide




Target Audience

Minimum requirements


Integration using TLS

TLS Software Express

TLS WNB Comnect Integration

TLS Gsurf Integration

New TLS Software Express (TLSGWP)

Integration with another app

Starting M-Sitef by another app

Request example of m-SiTef by another app

Pix Request Example

Example of handling m-SiTef return

Changing CLSIT

Example of integration using Androidx

Change History


M-Sitef is an application developed by Software Express for the Android platform, both in mobile or tablet and in POS, which performs Transactions (TEF) through the Sitef server.

This application contains the Clisitef library and enables the integrator to interact easily with Clisitef's features, without the necessity to control the flow of transactions.


Be a reference guide on how to make the integration with m-Sitef.

Target Audience#

Partners who want to integrate with M-Sitef.

Minimum requirements#

M-Sitef is compatible with Android version 4.4 or higher.


Before presenting the forms of integration, we will describe in this Chapter The General Characteristics of M-Sitef.

It makes available to the integrator the same features as Clisitef that are described in the document "Sitef - Simplified integration with the application" in the Function Codes Table.

To perform these functions, it is mandatory to send 4 parameters to M-Sitef: CompanySitef, AddressSitef, Modality and CNPJ_CPF. For modality 0, is also required the parameter value.

IMPORTANT: All these parameters presented in this document in code parts are only illustrative and must be replaced by valid values.

The following are all parameters accepted in the application.

Table 1 - input parameters of m-SiTef#

empresaSitefMandatorySiTef company.
The size is 8 alphanumeric digits.
enderecoSitefMandatoryAddress of SiTef servers.
The field can be composed of 1 to 3 addresses separated by ‘;’.
The address format can be:

2. Server name, NAME:PORT.

When the port is not specified, the default port (4096) is assumed.
Do not enter URL in this field.
terminalSitefOptionalSiTef terminal number.
If not entered, m-SiTef will use the APOS serial number or the UUID of the Android device
modalidadeRequiredCliSiTef functionality you want to execute. For example:
0 – Payment
200 – Cancellation
114 – Reprint
The complete list can be found in the document “SiTef - Simplified Interface with the application” in the Code Table functions.
CNPJ_CPFRequiredCNPJ or CPF of the establishment.
This field must not contain special characters and can be used in subacquiring data and in ParmsClient.
ValorMandatory for paymentSales value.
The field is numeric with a length of up to 12 digits, where the last two digits are decimals.
restricoesOptionalPayment options that will not appear in the collection flow. The field must have the following format:
<Option>;<Option>; ....
The option values ​​are in the document “SiTef - Simplified Interface with the application”, in the Function Code Table.
Note: the option TransacoesHabilitadas=T1,T2 can also be passed in this parameter and will have preference over the TransacoesHabilitadas parameter
operadorOptionalOperator code.
The field is alphanumeric with a length of up to 20 characters.
DataOptionalTax date in YYYYMMDD format.
HoraOptionalFiscal time in HHMMSS format.
numeroCupomOptionalTax coupon number corresponding to the sale.
The field is alphanumeric with a length of up to 20 characters.
numParcelasOptionalNumber of installments, in case of purchase in installments. The field is numeric and varies depending on the card used.
OtpOptionalMandatory code when communication with TLS GSurf is used.
transacoesHabilitadasOptionalPayment options that will be enabled.
The field must have the following format {<Functionality1>;<Functionality2>;...}. The option values ​​are in the document “SiTef - Simplified Interface with the application”, in the Function Code Table.
pinpadMacOptionalMAC Address Bluetooth address of the Pinpad for the m-SiTef to connect directly with the pinpad. If this parameter is not passed, m-SiTef presents a list of Bluetooth devices paired with the device for the user to select which one to use.
Format: 00:00:00:00:00:00
comExternaRequiredField to define which TLS service will be used:
0 – Without (only for dedicated SiTef)
1 – TLS Software Express
2 – TLS WNB Comnect
3 – TLS Gsurf
isDoubleValidationMandatory for TLS Software ExpressField to define which type of validation will be used:
0 – For single validation
1 – For double validation
cnpj_automacaoOptionalCNPJ of the company that developed the commercial automation.
Data used in ParmsClient.
cnpj_facilitadorOptionalCNPJ of the Facilitator (Van).
Data used in ParmsClient.
timeoutColetaOptionalDefines the timeout time for transaction flow collections and interactions.
The value must be filled in “seconds” and if it is not filled in, the default value is 60 seconds. If set to 0 or negative numbers, the collection timeout will be disabled.
The timeout is applied if the user does not interact with the collection for the specified number of seconds. In this case, the transaction is automatically canceled and the application receives the value RESULT_CANCELED in the resultCode parameter.
This timeout does not apply to QRCode reading, PIN collection and card removal from the reader.
acessibilidadeVisualOptionalField to define whether visual accessibility should be enabled:
0 – To disable (default value)
1 – To enable

Enabling visual accessibility consists of some visual and sound. If this field is enabled, m-SiTef will have the following changes:
·       Larger fonts for better visualization
·       High contrast in colors for better visualization in case of color blindness
·       Activation of text- to-speech (screen reading) throughout the flow
·       If applicable, activates screen adaptation for compatibility with the accessibility layer when entering a password or pin (applicable on pre-defined models).< br/>
Note: for screen reading to be performed by the text-to-speech module, the operating system must have previously installed the corresponding language package.
In the case of GPOS700, the package PT-BR language will be made available by Gertec.
tipoPinpadMandatory for USB devices.ANDROID_USB – Try to connect only with USB pinpads.

ANDROID_BT – Try to connect only with Bluetooth pinpads.
dadosSubAdquiOptionalSet of complementary information that allows the retailer to customize what will be printed on the buyer's invoice.
<id1><tam1><val1><id2><tam2></tam2 ><val2>...<idn><tamn></tamn><valn>
Id - 2-byte field identifier, according to values ​​defined in the specification table” Sub-acquiring Information (Soft Descriptor) CliSiTefI and CliSiTef Libraries
size - field size with 2 bytes.
Val – field value.
Sending example:< br/>i.putExtra("dadosSubAdqui", "0022STL*SOFTWARE EXPRESS");
For more information regarding the data, consult the specification: “Sub-acquiring Information (Soft Descriptor) CliSiTefI and CliSiTef Libraries
tipoCamposOptionalAllows you to enter pre-determined values ​​for the fields that CliSiTef requests for the application during the transaction flow. The fields and their respective values ​​must be entered in the JSON format below. Values ​​must always be entered as a String value. And it is important to note that in this format, it is possible to define only one value per field type.

JSON format:

{"campo1":"val1", "campo2":"val2"..."campon":"valn"}

Send examples:
i.putExtra("tipoCampos","{\"147\":\"8000\", \"516\":\ "99900021\"}");

i.putExtra("tipoCampos","{\"1025":\"Product Description\"}");
habilitaColetaTaxaEmbarqueIATAOptionalWhen enabled, it indicates that it is an IATA credit sale transaction and a field will be available for collecting the boarding tax amount.

0 – To disable (default value)
1 – To enable


When enabled, it indicates the collection of the down payment in case of installments of the sale on IATA credit. This collection will only be allowed for IATA sales, that is, enabling this item will only take effect if you enableIATAEmbarkationCollection=1.
0 – To disable (default value)
1 – To enable

clsitOptionalTo be able to add, update and remove fields from the package's CLSIT configuration file. See section Changing the CLSIT.

Integration using TLS#

M-Sitef is compatible with 4 TLS Providers: Express Software, Gsurf, Wnb Comnect and TLSGWP. Below will be explained how to use each of them.

TLS Software Express#

Value 1 should be sent with the parameter “comExterna”
and the value 0 with parameter “isDoubleValidation”:
** IMPORTANT: ** The websitef address for this case will be a
Domain url corresponding with what is configured
in the certificate.
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");
i.putExtra("comExterna", "1");

TLS WNB Comnect Integration#

// should be sent value 2 with the parameter “comExterna”:
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");
i.putExtra("comExterna", "2");

TLS Gsurf Integration#

//Value 3 should be sent with the parameter“comExterna” e um valor de otp, necessary to request with Gsurf.
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");
i.putExtra("comExterna", "3");
i.putExtra("otp", "1234567");

New TLS Software Express (TLSGWP)#

Value 4 should be sent in the parameter “comExterna”
and the registration token in the parameter “tokenRegistroTls”:
** IMPORTANT: ** The websitef address for this case will be an IP or
Corresponding domain url with the token generated.**/
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", "");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("tokenRegistroTls", "0000-0000-0000-0000"); //substituir por um token válido
i.putExtra("comExterna", "4");

Alternatively, the terminal record to use the new TLSGWP can be performed through modalities 699 (terminal registration) or 110 (Administrative Menu).In this case, Clisitef will open a collection for the token to be informed and from that moment the terminal will be registered and should inform in the next transactions that the type of connection will be TLSGWP informing the parameter comExterna = 4 as the follow example.

Manual Register (TLSGWP)#

//First the registration must be performed
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", "");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "699"); //Ou 110
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
// In the next transactions the type of connection should be informedTLSGWP (comExterna = 4)
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", "");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("comExterna", "4");

Integration with another app#

Starting M-Sitef by another app#

The first step is to instantiate an Intent object passing the name of the application as an argument – ​​in this case, the name is Using this information, Android will automatically search for m-SiTef among the applications installed on the mobile device. Next, four mandatory parameters must be configured using the putExtra(String, String) function: empresaSitef, enderecoSitef, CNPJ_CPF and modalidade. These and other parameters will be detailed in item 5. Finally, the native Android function startActivityForResult(Intent, int) is executed, passing the Intent object and an arbitrary integer as parameters. This number will be used as an ID to retrieve information that m-SiTef will send, after finishing its processing, to the application that triggered it. In this document, we will use ID = 1234.

// The example below shows a simple sales flow call.
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
startActivityForResult(i,1234); // ID = 1234

Request example of m-SiTef by another app#

a) Payment

// to make the payment, the integrator's application
// can make the following call:
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");

Upon being triggered, the M-Sitef may present the following screens:

b) Debit

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "2");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("restricoes", "TransacoesHabilitadas=16");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");

c) Cash credit

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "1");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "3");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("restricoes", "TransacoesHabilitadas=26");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");

d) Credit installment

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "3");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("restricoes", "TransacoesHabilitadas=27");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");

e) Cancellation

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "200");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");

f) Reprint

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "114");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");

ATTENTION: Coupon printing is not performed by M-Sitef. The reprint service conducts a consultation to coupons previously saved on the sitef.The information collected in this consultation is passed on the return of INTENT.  The impression of the coupons returned by Intent is under application responsibility which made the call to M-Sitef.

g) Administrative menu

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "110");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");

Pix request example#

To perform Pix the automation must follow the example below, choosing the digital wallet menu.Important: The “cnpj_automacao” field is extremely important that it is sent, because it is through it that Express software will be able to recognize the settelment and thus make the financial transfer.

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("cnpj_automacao", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("transacoesHabilitadas", "7;8;");

If desired, automation can call pix directly restricting digital wallet options and passing the type 122 (digital wallets), as shown below.

Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "122");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("cnpj_automacao", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("transacoesHabilitadas", "7;8;");
i.putExtra("restricoes", "CarteirasDigitaisHabilitadas=027160110024");

M-Sitef Response to Another App#

M-Sitef Response to Another App#

After executing m-SiTef, the flow is returned to the application that triggered it and some parameters are returned. Through them, the application will be able to know whether the transaction processing was successful and also obtain other information. To receive this data, the application must implement the protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) function, which is executed because the startActivityForResult(Intent i, int requestCode) method was called to start m-SiTef. The requestCode argument is used to check the correspondence of the call to m-SiTef with its return. The resultCode shows the execution status of the m-SiTef flow (values ​​belong to Android RESULT_OK (-1) RESULT_CANCELED (0)). The data argument is used to retrieve the data sent by m-SiTef. The onActivityResult implementation must contain a condition comparing whether the requestCode is equal to the number passed in startActivityForResult and, within this condition, it is checked whether m-SiTef was executed successfully and the parameters sent by it are retrieved through the data.getExtras().getString() function.

The application integrated with m-SiTef can only handle the parameters it needs.

Table 2 - output parameters of m-SiTef#

CODRESPResponse code for the transaction carried out with SiTef.
See the following table for more details
COMP_DADOS_CONFData that must be passed to CliSiTef, in order to confirm the transaction carried out.
CODTRANSIndicates code of the transaction carried out. Possible values:
·       ‘00’: Check Inquiry
·       ‘01’: Debit Card
·       ‘02’: Credit Card
TIPO_PARCPossible values:
·       “00”: Cash
·       “01”: Pre-Dated
·       “02”: Establishment Installments
·       “03”: Administrator Installments
VLTROCOContains the approved amount for cash change. (Used when purchasing with Withdrawal available for some Networks).
REDE_AUTField containing the network authorizing the TEF transaction carried out.
The codes are in the document "Especificação Técnica – Interface com os meios de pagamento do SiTef"", in the Authorizing Networks Code Table.
BANDEIRAField containing the flag of the TEF transaction carried out. The codes are in the document "Especificação Técnica – Interface com os meios de pagamento do SiTef"", in the Flag Code Table.
NSU_SITEFSiTef server NSU.
NSU_HOSTAuthorizing Host NSU.
COD_AUTORIZACAOCredit transaction authorization code. (Only present in credit card transactions).
NUM_PARCField containing the number of installments of the transaction. If it is absent, or has a value of “0” or “1”, consider selling it in cash.
VIA_ESTABELECIMENTOCoupon referring to the establishment’s route.
VIA_CLIENTECoupon referring to the customer's copy.
TIPO_CAMPOSJsonObject containing all the fields of the transaction with CliSiTef, including the other fields in this table. Format:
{"Id TipoCampo N" : [ "value 1", ....]}
The values ​​are always passed in JsonArray, even if there is only one occurrence of the field by CliSiTef.
To discover the meaning of each field contained in this list, please look at the table “Table of values ​​for TipoCampo” in the SiTef document - Simplified Interface with the application section 5.3.2.
Not all parameters from table 5.3.2 may be present in all transactions, some parameters may not be sent depending on the payment method or if the transaction is not completed.

Tabela 3 - Valores do CODRESP#

0Success in the execution of the function.
1IP address invalid or unresolved
2Invalid Store Code
3Invalid Terminal Code
6TCP/IP startup error
7Lack of memory
8Clisitef not found
9Sitef server configuration has been exceeded.
10Access error in the Clisitef folder (possible lack of writing permission)
11Invalid data passed by automation.
12secure mode inactive
13Invalid Way (the full library path is very large).
Another positive valuedenied by the authorizer.
-1Non -initial module.The POS tried to call some routine without first performing the function configures.
-2Operation canceled by operator.
-3The function / modality parameter is nonexistent / invalid.
-4Lack of memory in the POS.
-5Communication with the sitef interrupted.
-6User canceled operation (in Pinpad).
-9Automation request the routine ContinuaFuncaoSitefInterativo without starting first an iterative function.
-10Some Required parameter was not passed on by commercial automation.
-12Error in the execution of the iterative routine. Probably the previous iterative process was not executed until the end (while the return is 10000).
-13Tax document not found in CliSiTef records. Returned in query functions such as ObtemQuantidadeTransaçõesPendentes.
-15Operation canceled by commercial automation.
-20Invalid parameter passed to the function.
-25Bank correspondent error: Must perform bleeding.
-30Error of access to the file.Make sure the user who runs the application has reading/writing rights.
-40Transaction denied by the sitef server.
-41Invalid data.
-43Problem in performing any of the routines in the pinpad.
-50Non-secure transaction.
-100Internal module error.
Another negative valueErrors detected internally by routine.

Example of handling m-SiTef return#

protected void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (requestCode == 1234) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK){
System.out.println("m-SiTef executado com sucesso!");
System.out.println("Erro no m-SiTef!");
System.out.println("CODRESP: " + data.getExtras().getString("CODRESP"));
System.out.println("COMP_DADOS_CONF: " + data.getExtras().getString("COMP_DADOS_CONF"));
System.out.println("CODTRANS: " + data.getExtras().getString("CODTRANS"));
System.out.println("TIPO_PARC: " + data.getExtras().getString("TIPO_PARC"));
System.out.println("VLTROCO: " + data.getExtras().getString("VLTROCO"));
System.out.println("REDE_AUT: " + data.getExtras().getString("REDE_AUT"));
System.out.println("BANDEIRA: " + data.getExtras().getString("BANDEIRA"));
System.out.println("NSU_SITEF: " + data.getExtras().getString("NSU_SITEF"));
System.out.println("NSU_HOST: " + data.getExtras().getString("NSU_HOST"));
System.out.println("COD_AUTORIZACAO: " + data.getExtras().getString("COD_AUTORIZACAO"));
System.out.println("NUM_PARC: " + data.getExtras().getString("NUM_PARC"));
System.out.println("VIA_ESTABELECIMENTO: " + data.getExtras().getString("VIA_ESTABELECIMENTO"));
System.out.println("VIA_CLIENT: " + data.getExtras().getString("VIA_CLIENTE"));
String tipoCampos = data.getExtras().getString("TIPO_CAMPOS");
JSONObject jsonCampos= null;
jsonCampos = new JSONObject(tipoCampos);
String campo = jsonCampos.getString("132");

Changing CLSIT#

From version 3.167 you can change the CLSIT file. The change can only be made once, after that it will only be possible to change the CLSIT by changing the company or forcing the application stop in the Android configuration menu. The CLSIT file has the following format:
//The file can have n sections and each section can have n keys

Here are examples of how to use this functionality and a CLSIT model that will be used as example.


Changing fields#

//Building sections
JSONObject clsitJson = new JSONObject();
JSONObject clisitefSectionJson = new JSONObject();
JSONObject geralSection = new JSONObject();
clisitefSectionJson.put("DiretorioTrace", "./files2");
geralSection.put("TransacoesHabilitadas", "7;8;20;29;42;3006;3014;3020;3021;3022;3027;3028;3029;3030;3031;3203;3321;3322;3323");
clsitJson.put("CliSiTef", clisitefSectionJson);
clsitJson.put("Geral", geralSection);
i.putExtra("clsit", clsitJson.toString());

Notice on CLSIT below that the keys DiretoryTrace and EnableTransactions they were updated with the values sent by the example above, it is important to note that if the key does not exist it will be added in the section sent and if its value already exists the new values will be added.


Adding fields#

JSONObject geralSection = new JSONObject();
geralSection.put("HabilitaColetaTaxaEmbarque", "1");
geralSection.put("ColetaValorEntradaIATA", "1");
JSONObject novaSecao = new JSONObject();
novaSecao.put("NovaChave", "NovoValor");
clsitJson.put("NovaSecao", novaSecaoJson);
clsitJson.put("Geral", geralSection);
i.putExtra("clsit", clsitJson.toString());

Notice that the keys EnablePickupOnboardingTax and PickupEntryValueIATA were added to general section and the Newsection was created, as it did not exist yet.


Removing fields#

JSONObject clisitefSectionJson = new JSONObject();
clisitefSectionJson.put("TamanhoTraceRotativo", JSONObject.NULL);
clsitJson.put("CliSiTef", clisitefSectionJson);
i.putExtra("clsit", clsitJson.toString());

You can notice that SizeTraceRotative was removed from CLSIT. If a section no longer contains keys it will be excluded as well.


Important: To know exactly which sections, keys and values must be passed to assemble your CLSIT file, please confirm with our support. M-Sitef has a default CLSIT that will be applyed if no change specified in this chapter is made. Here is the image:


Example of integration using Androidx#

If you are integrating M-Sitef using Androidx libraries, the startActivityForResult e onActivityResult methods are depreciated. There is an example below of M-Sitef request using Androidx
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("empresaSitef", "00000001");
i.putExtra("enderecoSitef", ";");
i.putExtra("operador", "0001");
i.putExtra("data", "20140312");
i.putExtra("hora", "150000");
i.putExtra("numeroCupom", "1");
i.putExtra("numParcelas", "3");
i.putExtra("modalidade", "0");
i.putExtra("valor", "9000");
i.putExtra("CNPJ_CPF", "12345678912345");
i.putExtra("timeoutColeta", "30");
i.putExtra("acessibilidadeVisual", "0");

ActivityResultLauncher definition to perform the return of the m-SiTef

ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> startPagamentoIntent = registerForActivityResult(
new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),
result -> {
if (result.getResultCode() == RESULT_OK) {
Intent data = result.getData();
System.out.println("m-SiTef executado com sucesso!");
System.out.println("Erro no m-SiTef!");
System.out.println("CODRESP: " + data.getExtras().getString("CODRESP"));
System.out.println("COMP_DADOS_CONF: " + data.getExtras().getString("COMP_DADOS_CONF"));
System.out.println("CODTRANS: " + data.getExtras().getString("CODTRANS"));
System.out.println("TIPO_PARC: " + data.getExtras().getString("TIPO_PARC"));
System.out.println("VLTROCO: " + data.getExtras().getString("VLTROCO"));
System.out.println("REDE_AUT: " + data.getExtras().getString("REDE_AUT"));
System.out.println("BANDEIRA: " + data.getExtras().getString("BANDEIRA"));
System.out.println("NSU_SITEF: " + data.getExtras().getString("NSU_SITEF"));
System.out.println("NSU_HOST: " + data.getExtras().getString("NSU_HOST"));
System.out.println("COD_AUTORIZACAO: " + data.getExtras().getString("COD_AUTORIZACAO"));
System.out.println("NUM_PARC: " + data.getExtras().getString("NUM_PARC"));
System.out.println("VIA_ESTABELECIMENTO: " + data.getExtras().getString("VIA_ESTABELECIMENTO"));
System.out.println("VIA_CLIENT: " + data.getExtras().getString("VIA_CLIENTE"));
String tipoCampos = data.getExtras().getString("TIPO_CAMPOS");
JSONObject jsonCampos= null;
jsonCampos = new JSONObject(tipoCampos);
String campo = jsonCampos.getString("132");

Change History#

08/05/20191.00Initial release.
08/06/20191.01Inclusion of integration via URL.
08/09/20191.02Inclusion of TLS Protocol activation parameters.
08/22/20191.03Inclusion of the parameters “isDoubleValidation” and “caminhoCertificadoCliente”.
03/09/20191.04Inclusion of input parameters “cnpj_automacao” and “cnpj_facilitador”.
16/04/20201.05Field Modality change from 9 to 0.
Option Display Receipt removed
Standard Certificate, path option removed.
07/21/20201.06Inclusion of the cancellation modality.
08/20/20201.07Inclusion of the terminal field.
08/25/20201.08Removal of TLS mode with double validation.
Remove of Input mode by URL.
Change references “m-sitef client” to “m-sitef”
Mentions about “m-Sitef Standalone” removal
Table Formatting
Codresp Value Table addition
Change of File Name
10/19/20201.09Inclusion of the topic Pix.
11/20/20201.10Inclusion of the return field “TIPO_CAMPOS”
01/12/20201.113.98Inclusion of the “TimeoutColeta” field.
03/05/20211.123.104Inclusion of the “Visual Accessibility” field and behavior description when visual accessibility is enabled.
Inclusion of Gertec Accessibility Language Package as required to observation inclusion.
03/08/20211.13Comment added to the sitef address as suggestion of TRAC #53436
Removal of repply by URL
05/19/20211.143.114Typepinpad field addition.
05/20/20211.15Removal of the value ANDROID\ _Auto of the field type, as it does not apply to M-Sitef.
07/15/20211.16Inclusion of Administrative Menu Request and Example Parameters
01/10/20211.17Document change to the FISERV standard.
Inclusion of new M-Sitef design.
02/09/20221.18Inclusion of the field dadosSubAdqui
21/02/20221.19Inclusion of the field tipocampos
08/29/20221.203,151Inclusion of Parameters habilitaColetaTaxaEmbarqueIATA and habilitaColetaValorEntradaIATA
09/15/20221.213,167Chapter "Changing the CLSIT"
01/04/20231.22Inclusion of the topic about integration using Androidx.